Consulting Services


Respect and loyalty towards our clients, quality and performance, continuous improvement


Accounting Services in Business

We support your economical activity through professionalism and continuous improvement. Over 20 years of experience have thought us to offer respect and loyalty to our clients

Costs analysis, proposals and optimisation
Fiscal optimisation
Issue of instalments dossiers
VAT reimbursement from EU member countries
Obtaining A1 forms - a certification issued by the ‘Casa Nationala de Pensii Publice’; necessary for the personnel which works within the EU (delegation, detachment, drivers)
Obtaining work permits for EU and non-EU citizens
Representation services during ANAF inspections (general inspections, partial), ITM
Issue of contestations, actions in court
Information regarding future opening of European Funds possibilities, identification of the types of European or Governmental funds which can be accessed in accordance with the object of activity.
Assistance for companies with financial problems (including major issues): business plan, negotiations with suppliers, clients, negotiations with the banks, leasing societies for obtaining grace periods or re-instalments, debits - we collaborate with top specialists with distinguished performances within the field.

Representation ANAF controls
Accounting Services Oradea

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Having a deep understanding of the on the subject legislation and a permanent feature on legal, accounting and fiscal modification, the DAIAMAR experts are bound to offer to their clients the favourable accounting, fiscal and economical solutions, strongly correlated with the needs of the clients, with the European and global economical dispositions.

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